The 21st president of KU was elected on June 12

The post of president has been vacant for the past few months recent few months. Therefore, the election of the president was to take place sooner than planned. However, Min Sang-ki has returned as president, and the election of the 21st president has proceed as originally scheduled.
The procedure for appointing the president is as follows. ① Revision of the rules of the Presidential Candidate Selection on May 6. ②Election of members of the Presidential Candidate Selection Committee. ③ Composition and operation of the Presidential Candidate Selection Committee and the Operative Committee. ④
Presentation of the candidate's opinion and voting of three candidates ⑤ Recommendation of the final candidates at the board of directors on June 11. ⑥ Appointment of the President of KU at the board of directors on June 12.
As a result, professor Jeon Youngjaewas appointed as the 21st president of KU. He will take office on September 1 and serve four years in office. “We will make Konkuk
University a university with a future,” he said, citing the keyword “Creative.”

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