It is almost end of 2020. How was your year in 2020? Was it bad, since you had to cancel every plan for the 2020? Or was it pretty okay to earn a chance to have a little break and having an opportunity to prepare for a better future? For me, it was quite a hard time because everything I had to handle was so awkward and new. I had my new position as a chief in The Konkuk Bulletin, and ever since I became chief the COVID-19 occurred. I had to discuss for the newest idea only on online. Me and other reporters had to select cub reporters only judging by Microsoft Teams, which was a very difficult and anxious thing for all of us. Since I gain energy by experiencing outside, eat and talk outside, going shopping, and going on a trip, this 2020 was very exhausting time, especially with mental problems.

However, passing September, things never seemed to be settled. Therefore, I somehow began to adapt in this situation and gave up wishing to go out. Instead, I figured out some way to gain energy indoors. Such as exercising while watching Youtube, play with friends by videotelephony, and home-baking and so on. It was some kind of sad, and not really fulfilling. However, I do not feel so depressed anymore. I hope you all figured out some way to cope this situations wisely, too. If you have some brilliant ideas, please contact me. Haha.

I will now introduce our Vol. 298 topics. For the Bulletin Comment, the reporter wrote about the issues of KU:L HOUSE, the dormitory in Konkuk University. If you are interested, or living in KU:L House, you have got to see this. For the Cover Story, the reporter wrote about the situations occurring in art industries due to COVID-19. The people are struggling to manage the damage of COVID-19 situations, and the consumers also are trying to adapt and enjoy the alternative methods. I hope you enjoy our last magazine for 2020.

You all tried so much for this 2020. Hope you all are happy, and much more healthy in 2021. Well... Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.

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