Finding out the medical information of each country


 Over the past 60 years, human life expectancy has increased by about 20 years. One of the factors that played major role in the increase in hum: n life expectancy is thought to be edical services. is context, Korea is not only one of th countries where high-quality medical services are provided, but also has a good medical insurance system, which is considered to have a significantly lower burden on peo 's medical expenses than other countries. So what about the level of health care and health insurance systems in other countries? In this issuc, I would like to take time to hear about other country's medical service and health insurance system and compare it with that of Korea.

1. Please tell us about the medical services provided in your country
   The Japanese medical system is supported by public health insurance (family members are also covered as dependents of subscribers) and each person pays premiums to help each other. Patients can choose medical institutions without any restrictions with just one insurance card.
   Japan's medical insurance system has various systems and mechanisms that the world can be proud of, such as the Maternal and Child Health Handbook. The high-cost medical care system is a system that pays more than the monthly self-pay limit to prevent excessive medical expenses for houscholds when medical expenses become high due to hospitalization. In one case, even the medical expenses were 1 million yen, the actual out-of-pocket expenses would be 87,430 yen per month thanks to this system.

2. Please tell us about the pros and cons of Korea's medical services compared to those of your country.
- No insurance card required - In Japan, you need an insurance card and a patient registration card when you visit a hospital (you cannot receive medical services without those two cards)
- The cost of treatment is low - For example, if you catch a cold and receive medical examination and treatment, it costs about 5,000W in Korea, but in Japar it costs about 1,000YEN. (Japan also pays 30% (120% for children and the elderly)
- There are many hospitals that can treat patients on weekends. - In Japan. many hospitals close on weekends. Therefore, if you go to the hospital on weekends, you need to go to a special hospital such as a university disease.
- Dental treatment is not covered by insurance In Japan, dental treatment such as cavity treatment and scaling is also covered by insurance
- Family members take care of you during hospitalization - In Japan, nurses are responsible for cha g clothes, returning dishes, and helping you get up and walk from bed.
- Private medical insurance - In Japan, you can receive basic medical care with the national health insurance, so you don't nced to take out private medical insurance.

3. Please evaluate the level of Korea's medical insurance system compared to your country's medical insurance system and tell us why.
   Comparing medical services in Korea and Japan, similarities can be found in the fact that medical services are mainly provided by private hospitals and there are few public hospitals.
   On the other hand, in Korea, the penetration of IT in hospitals such as online medical fees and clectronic medical records, division of labor of medicine and oriental medicine are different from Japan.
   [Reason] Korean medical services are of high quality, especially in cosmetic surgery and advanced treatment. I think you can get efficient medicaI services because it is easy to access and the waiting time is short.
   However, medical expenses for some treatments in Korea can be expensive, so you need to pay for it yourself. This is especially cost-effective for foreign patients who come to medical tourism. Therefore, Korean medical services are of high quality and cost-conscious.

Amadea / Indonesia
1. Please tell us about the medical services provided in your country.
   Briefly, in Indonesia there are few public medical services that our citizens can rely on. First, the most broad and well-known service that one can receive is through hospital services that could cover almost all diseases and could also give counseling upon visits. Second, clinics that has more limited services called Pusat Keschatan Masyarakat (PUSKESMAS) that are available in cities or areas in a city that are far away from the main hospital Third, house care, ambulatory, and hospitalization are also available with the addition of home care specially for nursing homes. Though there is a slight difference with hospitalization, when a person is officially diagnosed with a certain disease, that has a purpose to observe the patient for further diagnosis, therapy, medical rehabilitation, etc. meanwhile ambulatory gives the patient freedom to roam around without the need of assistance. Fourth emergency services such as Emergency Room (ER) or in Indonesian Unit Gawat Darurat (UGD) for big hospitals and Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) for smaller hospitals. Lastly, a social security agency from the government called Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Keschatan (BPJS Keschatan), or in english Social Security Agency on Health, to ensure the health of Indonesian citizens in form of an insurance.

2. Please tell us about the pros and cons of Korea's medical services compared to those of your country.
   The medical services in Korea are very astounding and also gives a very good counseling for their patients. It is a fact that Korea is known to be very good with their treatments and it is proven to be true. However, on the contrary as people say that good quality has good value too. The medical service in Korea is a lot more expensive than Indonesia, whether it be a regular checkup or a detailed prescripted checkup.
3. Please evaluate the level of Korea's medical insurance system compared to your country's medical insurance system and tell us why.
   Though even in my home country, Indonesia, I was experience the need to use an insurance, | would personally choose the medical insurance system given by government in Korea because of how simple it is in comparison to the medical insurance system given by the government in Indonesia. The medical insurance system in Indonesia has a more complicated procedure or administration and even documents giving such as: identity card, family card, even birth certificate and after that the patient will have to wait until the document screening is done stating that the information given is valid.

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