Awesome and wonderful sound of music touches the heart

CLASSIC MUSIC LISTENING program with YAMAHA MUSIC KOR EA is opened. The duration of the event is “September 12Th Tuesday to September 12th Wednesday. The event held 2 days weekday, from 5’o clock. Students can participate in without any burden of school classes. The club named “CLASSIC MUSIC LISTENING ROOM” who manage the classic music listening room which placed at second floor of a student hall. They usually well manage the room and play the music to students who visited the room to listen various classic music. Thanks to the club, students have had fun in classic music room with listening music and talking with friends. Usually, students visit the room at weekdays, when they don’t have any class. If such time exists, students feel some worry or concern, because they worry how to spend such time well. For such students, ‘Classic music listening room’ is a nice way to spend time valuably. 
 The September 12nd and 13rd ‘Classic music listening room’ proceed the event. Each day’s content of event is different. First day they proceed ‘LISTEN CARE PLAYLIST’. The content is listening the classic music together and have fun with personal story. Personal stories, such like love story, school life, and dream list etc. Based on students’ stories, they can share the fun or sad or angry stories with sympathy. The club get first the student’s stories and the music related to stories. And they play the big sound of music to listen together. For example, they can laugh together with funny and lovely love stories. On September 13th, they held the ‘NEW! Watching Movie Room’. The content of this event is introducing the favorite movie and the movie’s music (such like OST), and listening the music together. In that event, the various movie and gerne of music is recommended, so students can know the new movie and music, even they didn’t know. Like first day, second day makes the time to share their stories related to music and movie. So, students share the similar experiences with link that can chat. It makes students who participated in this event alone, cannot feel loneliness. Meanwhile, each two days, the events opened the quiz event with prize. So, students could participate in the event more enthusiastically. Two days are really great events to students, because it gives events that fresh and hard to experience!

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