The Fields Medal is called the Nobel Prize in mathematics, the most prestigious award in mathematics that is awarded every four years at the International Congress of Mathematicians. The Fields Medal selects and awards two to four young mathematicians who have achieved outstanding achievements in the mathematics world and are expected to achieve academic achievements in the future. The Fields Medal also has a tricky condition of being a mathematician under the age of 40. This year was the last year for Professor Huh, who was born in 1983 and is 39 years old, to receive the Fields Medal due to the age limit. Huh was the first Korean mathematician to receive this award. There are only eight winners from Asia so far.

        Professor Huh June-e’s research field is 'Combination Algebra Geometry'. Algebraic geometry is the study of geometric spaces that can be solved by equations. Combinatorics explores the problem of counting the number of things that satisfy a given condition. Professor Huh solved 11 challenges that could not be solved in combinatorial theory, including the famous Read's Construction and Rota- eron- Welsh Construction. First, Read's  Conjecture is an assumption that the absolute value of the multicolored expression coefficient may increase and decrease but cannot increase after decreasing. A coloring polynomial is an expression that shows the number of ways to paint neighboring vertices in a graph with only n or fewer colors when they are painted in different colors. Professor Huh June-e proved this Read's Construction and the Generalized Rota-Heron- Welsh Construction by expanding it. This was a great challenge that has plagued mathematicians around the world for 45 years. 

        Mathematicians usually present challenges in the form of guesses. For most mathematicians, it is not easy to solve a single lifelong problem. Based on a strong intuition about algebraic geometry, he has targeted the challenges of combinatorial theory. It is a very difficult study that only mathematicians familiar with both fields can try. Professor Huh suggested a solution that combines algebraic geometry that represents a straight line or plane with a firstorder polynomial and analyzes ellipses or hyperbolic curves with a second-order polynomial. Mathematicians around the world praised Huh June-e for his accurate analysis, and President Yoon Suk-yeol also expressed respect for Huh June-e's work, saying that he has proved that Korea is an advanced country in mathematics. 

       Professor Huh June-e is a Korean mathematician who is educated in Korea, from  elementary school to university. After dropping out of high school, Professor Huh obtained a bachelor's degree in the Department of Physical Astronomy and Mathematics at Seoul National University in 2007 and a master's degree in the Department of Mathematics in 2009. Professor Huh was invited to Seoul National University's degree ceremony on August 29 and delivered a congratulatory speech. He wrapped up the congratulatory speech with the following words of encouragement and advice to his juniors. "I hope you will not be tamed by the sweetness of rudeness, disgust, competition, division, and laziness, overcome all kinds of violence of meaning and meaningless and experience every day entirely. Then  welcome the stranger you who has been waiting for a long time at the end without any regret."

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